Workshop of emotions
Showing 3 products
The desperadoes are Alexia, Tasi and their dog Rocky. Little do they know that they will soon create miracles with the help of their emotions. Young and adult fans of the "Workshop of Emotions" series about charming desperate children and...
The desperadoes are Alexia, Tasi and their dog Rocky. They have no idea yet that they will soon enter the Olympics of emotions, where real miracles will happen to them. In this book, desperate people will learn to be brave...
Алексія, Тасі і Рокі знов на порозі захопливих пригод! Діти і песик виконають небезпечну рятувальну операцію, знайдуть найцінніший скарб і стануть впевненішими в собі. А ми разом із ними!